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Understand the difference between acrylic organizer vs polystyrene organizers

Understand the difference between acrylic organizer vs polystyrene organizers

Many consumers choose acrylic organizers to organize their makeup and other things around the house or display products for their business. Acrylic has the clarity of glass and it will not be effected by moisture also it will not shatter like glass will.

To lower the cost of the acrylic organizer, polystyrene is often the substitute for acrylic. Polystyrene is typically thinner and more brittle than acrylic and it has a sort of color tinting effect therefore the product inside the organizer does not appear to be as pleasing to the eyes. Using acrylic material to create an organizer on the other hand, the acrylic offers high light transmittance and clarity therefore the content in the organizer will be much more appealing.

Acrylic organizers can be made by molding or hand crafted. Typically an acrylic organizer that is molded will show visible relief markings from release of the mold. A hand crafted acrylic organizer will show no relief markings therefore the surface the organizer is smooth and clear. A hand crafted acrylic organizer will involve higher production cost and result in stronger visual.

Now it's time for you to shop your very own acrylic organizer and be an expert in making your selections!

2nd Feb 2015 Beauty Makeup Supply

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